The Best Patio Furniture And How to Shop for It Reviews by Wirecutter

The following guidelines should help you narrow the options and avoid buyer’s remorse. Homeowners have long relished the beauty, versatility, and toughness of wood furniture—and above all, they’ve appreciated its low maintenance. Like the ideal houseplant for brown thumbs, wood furniture survives on its own, requiring little intervention. Every now and again, though, whether due to an accident or normal wear and tear, you’ll need to know how to clean wood furniture to renew its appearance and ensure its longevity.

We looked at on-the-floor offerings in stores and spent about 50 hours researching top-rated patio dining sets and outdoor lounge furniture online. A furniture repair professional can repair and restore wooden furniture, making it look new. They can sand and fill gouges, dents, or unsightly scratches or cracks in the wood. If you’re tired of the color or want it to match another wood tone in your home, they can color-match it, paint it, stain it, and protect it.

This is also one of the most time-consuming tasks of preparing your furniture for a move, so plan accordingly. Since you’re dealing with your lawn, don’t forget about protecting your plants from the frost. If you want your favorite, potted plants to survive, it might be worthwhile moving them indoors during ice cold temperatures. Ensure that your lawn is clear of dead leaves, branches or other garden debris when frost hits. If you leave wet leaves on your lawn in frosty weather, this will create the ideal breeding ground for lawn disease or ‘snow mold’ to develop. This type of disease thrives in damp and dark conditions, and could cause severe damage to your grass or worse, kill your lawn. So if you want to protect your grass and keep it in top shape, follow these easy ways to prepare your lawn for winter, according to experts.

How to Deep-Clean Wood Furniture

Dip a soft, damp cloth in some dry baking soda and rub the stained area gently until the stain disappears. Use a clean wet cloth to wipe away any baking soda residue and dry with a soft cloth. The tannins or tannic acid in tea can cut through waxy build-up on wood. When the tea is cool, dip a soft cloth, cotton balls, or cotton swabs in the solution and wring until just damp. Start at the top of the piece and gently wipe in the direction of the wood grain.

Article Latta Dining Table

Use a microfiber cloth, feather duster, or electrostatic duster like Swiffer to remove dust. If you are sensitive to dust, wear a dust mask and consider using a damp cloth for dusting instead of a duster. After dusting, use a soft cotton cloth to buff the surfaces, remove smudges, and create shine.

Modern teak, upholstered sofa: Neighbor The Loveseat

This method is probably the fastest and easiest method. If you choose chemical strippers, make sure to carefully follow the instructions, use rubber gloves and eye protection and choose a room with plenty of ventilation. The existing finish has cracked down the wood and it’s starting to flake or chip off. This article was co-authored by Marty Stevens-Heebner, SMM-C, CPO®. Marty Stevens-Heebner is a Certified Professional Organizer and Founder of Clear Home Solutions, a home organizing and senior moving management company based in Southern California. Clear Home Solutions was the first nationally accredited firm in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties.

Immediately wipe clean with a lint-free cloth or cheesecloth. If you have an older piece of fine wood furniture or a delicate family heirloom, you’ll likely want to treat it a little more carefully.

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